Wednesday, December 9, 2009

washing you out of my hair

and out of my mind, keeping an eye on the world from so many thousands of feet off the ground. i'm over you now, i'm at home in the clouds, towering over your head.

Monday, December 7, 2009

in my tuna

i've just lost my appetite. i found a scale in my canned tuna. hooahk! .. that was a barf noise. canned tuna is just one of the very few things i can eat. and i think i'm taking it off my list. so let's see: red apples, lime jello, fruity pebbles, strawberry yogurt, and coffee. great.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

if i could control everything in the world,
i'd finally be okay.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

for a moment


i don't feel too well. i want to leave. fly back home. this whole time i actually believed that I was enjoying myself, that I was happy here, that change was good. i feel really shit right now. i just... i miss you.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I might as well just be myself.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

where oh where

hello! things have been a bit crazy at home, hence my month-long absence from blogger. my mum and i have been unpacking some boxes and organizing, so that it would be more efficient. i am starting to feel more at home in L.A. even though i really don't want to. but i must admit that everything is interesting. sara, ophie, sam, and michael have made my summer less of a bummer. now that school is about to start again, i'll try to blog more, but until then, consider me miles from the computer.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

hi ophie

i saw these two guys the other day at the dmv. they were fit and all, but i found out that one of them was gay because he was checking perez hilton on his phone. not that all guys who read perez hilton are gay. it's just that his wallpaper was a shirtless fellow at the beach. i don't know if the other guy with him was gay, but it didn't seem like it. they could've been brothers, except they looked nothing alike. or maybe i'm just making shit assumptions rather quickly and they were simply mates. i hope that neither one of them stumbles upon my blog by some bloody miniscule chance. that would be terrible.

there's this girl at my school called opheliet, but everyone calls her ophie. her parents were into theatrics, so they combined ophelia and hamlet, thus calling her opheliet. she thinks it a shit name, but i told her to be appreciative for it, because it really could've been worse. anyway, she's one of my mates at school and she's also a rather amazing singer and dancer (that's just what happens when you have theater geeks for parents). well she reads my blog and she just wanted me to mention her in one of them. well it looks like i've sort of rambled on about her a little too much. hi ophie. sorry for embarrassing you.

i was thinking before going to bed last night, and i realized that i never really acknowledged how shockingly great my first year at an american school has been. although i was spewing up homesickness in my previous blog, i'm rather cheerful for the experience. but this doesn't mean i feel silly about the month-long depression last summer. how would you feel if you had to spend your eleventh and twelfth year in a completely new school and environment? i think that all i really mean to say is thank you to everyone who's helped me both here and back home. you've all been a nice help, coping with my physical and mental instabilities. my mum frankly thought that i would change when we reached the states, but no matter where i am, disorders and shit will always tag right along. i just hope she realizes that soon. but despite it all, i'm a tiny bit glad for once that she did the wrong thing. i would never have met ophie or the other wankers or have experienced los angeles like i have (although it's not as great as it looks in the photographs to be frank).